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Travel adventures for the independently minded.


As a relative latecomer to the world of adventure holidays, I can’t get enough of them.  When I say latecomer, I hadn’t actually travelled abroad alone until myself and Mr C decided that a separate holiday might help sort our respective heads regarding a future ‘go’ or ‘no go’ (it was definitely a ‘no go’).  I booked a solo trip to Turkey, a last minute trip and a bit bargain basement but I was excited. Now don’t get me wrong, I’d had more than my fair share of exotic holidays but never alone, so this really was a first and I remember feeling more than a bit sick when departure day dawned but I was excited too.

The hotel was average but the other residents I met more than made up for the erratic electricity supply and dodgy food.  3 of us instantly bonded and started planning trips together, it seems that I wasn’t the only one escaping from a troubled home life.  That trip gave me a confidence I never knew I had, a curiosity which is still rife and an openness to step way outside of my comfort zone.

Since that trip, I’ve travelled alone across New Zealand, Africa, India, Asia, Australia, the Artic and of course Europe.  Rarely have I got lost but it’s not always ‘plane’ sailing.  I nearly lost 3/4 of the contents of my luggage in Cambodia after taking someone’s advice to ‘get it washed and ironed here as it’s so cheap’ before going home.  All would have been fine if I’d taken a better note of exactly which launderette I’d left it in, there were many littered on each street and many of the streets look the same!  Anyone who knows me that my sense of direction is pretty rubbish and I can be a bit scatty sometimes!  Luckily for me, a friend I’d met on the trip agreed to help me find my laundry in return for copious cocktails if we found it.  I’m not kidding, it was like finding a needle in a haystack,but find it we did and I gladly paid him in Cambodian Pina Colas and Baileys and we’ve had lots of laughs about it subsequently.

My trip to China was also notable for both the sights I saw and the people I met.  It was day 2 of the Adventure and we were suddenly doing the overnight sleeper train from Beijing to Xi’An and cabins were for 4 people.  Although I’d shared a couple of meals with the other travellers, having to sleep with 3 virtual strangers in a very confined space presented a bit of a challenge to this independent traveller, not least because I’m a very light sleeper who needs every second of shut-eye so that I can to remain on top of my game !

However, an open mind, a keen sense of humour and some contraband alcoholic beverages meant that we had the best time!  Some high jinks meant that we had people coming to investigate the laughter.  It was the same group that encouraged me to toboggan down from the giddy heights of the Great Wall of China rather than adopt the more pedestrian modes, it was a little hairy not least because some of the equipment was somewhat past its best, but it was also exhilarating and we have stories for a lifetime.  We are still friends today despite living across the UK, and when the photo reminders pop up on Facebook, I can’t help but smile.

The same can be said for my New Year’s trip to Norway to spend New Year in the Ice Hotel.  That was a totally independent trip but again I met up with some amazing people from across the UK and Europe.  Sleeping in the ice hotel is one cool adventure but the New Year’s Eve dinner was unbelievable, probably aided by the adrenaline coursing through our bodies from the cold of the night before.  We shared  jokes and  travel tales, and after dinner we drank a fair few vodka shots from ice shot glasses in the ice at bar to welcome in the New Year.  The midnight fireworks were simple but beautiful and the memories are indelibly imprinted on my mind.  I truly felt alive that night and am forever grateful for the many gifts travel gives me.

However, some adventures are memorable for other reasons, not least when I nearly got arrested in Paris for falling flat on my face after my friend bet that we couldn’t drink the entire cocktail menu whilst we waited for the fireworks around the Eiffel Tower at News Year’s eve.  Despite being nearly 6’ tall, I have a very low capacity for alcohol but I can’t resist a dare.  It was fine whilst I was sat at the bar, but the moment I stood up to  go and get ready, I went down like a sack of potatoes.  Security was high because of the occasion, and they were not amused by the sight of an English woman flat out on their floor.  All I can remember is my friend sternly telling me to get into the wheelchair which had miraculously appeared from somewhere, otherwise I was going to be arrested.  Between my friend and a friendly security guard, they heaved me into the wheelchair and we were disappeared like naughty school children into our room.  Both of us had hangovers from hell and couldn’t venture out for food until the following evening, and even then we could only cope with a few carbs but the fresh air was delicious! Suffice to say, I’ve given up trying to keep up in the drinking stakes, I know my limit, and I hope to return to Paris one day soon!

Talking of limits, I sometimes forget mine.  I can get so excited by the moment and the adventure.  When I was touring New Zealand I had the opportunity to go Whale watching, so I jumped at the chance and booked a trip as it had been on the ‘must do’ list for a while.  It wasn’t until we were heading out of the harbour that I began to feel a bit green.  In my excitement, I’d forgotten all about my travel sickness and needing travel pills, strong ones.  I spent the whole day hanging off the back of the boat feeding the fish and to make matters worse, we didn’t even spot any Whales!   My best girlfriend often reminds me that I should be supervised at all times…

Although I’ve often travelled totally independently and organised everything myself, I sometimes also hook up with travel groups which gives me the best of both worlds. I’ve tried a few, but my favourite is Exodus Travel which caters for independent travellers, whether singles, couples or friends; so far I’ve always met a lovely bunch of travellers who, like me, love culture and adventure and have a curiosity to experience more from life.   I fly out alone, sometimes ahead of the group holiday, or stay on a few days by myself at the end as the trips are usually full on.  These holidays take the hassle out of organising everything myself – sometimes a welcome relief – and I also feel safer in a group in some of the more far flung lands.  The holidays I book are usually adventure holidays and every day is pretty well planned although some activities are optional so if I’ve had enough of people, I can go off and do my own thing.  If you want to try independent travel but have the security of a group, I recommend you give Exodus a go

Why am I reminded of my travel adventures right now?  Well, it’s because I’m currently winging my way to Egypt for a cruise on the Nile and some land safaris.  I’m so excited despite not having had a moment to breathe for the last 10 days at work and therefore zero thoughts about packing and organising myself, but I can feel the tensions beginning to lift as I settle into my legroom seat.  The distance between my shoulders and my ears is beginning to be replaced by space and calm and I’m excited.  Luckily, I live near @Heathrow_airport and I sailed through check in and security in half an hour (kudos to you Heathrow after a somewhat chaotic summer of cancellations and complaints) but today was seamless and couldn’t have been better.  I don’t know about you, but the minute my bag disappears into the wondrous maze of the luggage carousel, I feel I can begin to truly relax.

I will write again about my Egyptian adventures, but in the meantime, here are some of my top travel tips, I’d love to hear what your top tips are too:

  1. Take a metal water bottle, it will keep cold water colder for longer in hot climates
  2. Take at least one pen in your hand luggage, you will need it for something
  3. If you need an entry visa and can get it beforehand, do that, saves time at the other end
  4. Unless you are a princess, never travel in white or cream!
  5. If on group trips, avoid making fast friends at luggage reclaim – take your time , you may never shake them off if they turn out to be very needy (don’t use the travel company luggage labels if you want to travel incognito)
  6. If you like people watching, be discreet in some countries
  7. Write down your bank details and emergency number; don’t rely on your banking app to work abroad, sometimes they don’t as a safety feature
  8. Carry spare knickers, contact lenses, all medication, swimwear, in your hand luggage just in case your luggage goes missing
  9. Enter into the spirit of new customs and opportunities – push your boundaries, it might just be the beginning of a whole new adventure
  10. If you have food intolerances get a statement explaining what you need translated before you go – I lost a lot of weight in China because I didn’t!!!
  11. Take out travel insurance!
  12. Never be the first off the plane if you don’t know the airport, sometimes it pays to follow the herd!
  13. If flying long distance – over 7 hours – look for upgrade offers to Club, I promise you it’s worth it, or at the very least, shell out for legroom seats
  14. Master the art of collecting travel points ie BA Avios, every point counts
  15. NEVER travel during school holidays if you can avoid it – it’s cheaper and less busy at other times!!!
  16. If you suffer from seasickness/ motion sickness, don’t forget to take your pills, you never know when you might need them
  17. If travelling in a group, don’t get swept up into doing things you really don’t want to do – ask for what you need, you will be surprised at how accommodating groups can be
  18. Pack just enough, for variety pack scarves – they are lightweight and can change the look of any outfit you’ve worn already (and super useful in hot countries)
  19. Take photos and videos, but also take time away from technology to soak up the moment and enjoy being fully present
  20. Buy one souvenir from every trip and add a sticker saying when and which country it was bought from

To be continued…

With love

Julia, AKA Just Me.